FEATURED EVENTS adverts are charged at the minimum 6 month rate of £10.
All other web adverts cost £20 for 1 year.
Events listings in the calendar are free. We only publish events happening in the Glastonbury area.
The Oracle is published monthly and the deadline is normally 17th of the month before issue.
Advertisement sizes and costs for the paper Oracle:
• Quarter Page £50 (£130 for 3 months) Portrait 130mm x 92.5mm
• Eighth Page £27 (£65 for 3 months) Landscape 63mm x 92.5mm
• Sixteenth Page £15 (£40 for 3 months) Landscape 30mm high x 92.5mm wide 30 words max
• Half page £90 (£250 3 months) Landscape 130mm x 190mm
• Full page £170 Portrait 270mm x 190mm
Adverts preferably received as Grayscale JPEGs 400dpi, although PDFs and MSWord also work.
Once your advert is agreed, you will be invoiced and pay by bank transfer, Transferwise or PayPal
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01458 837977
Office: The Oracle, 2-4, High St, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9DU